Five ways of thinking that changed my life

1. Aging is a Privilege

Only the good die young? Well, only the lucky live to see their faces crack!

Comparing your looks to your younger self is such an uphill battle. My mom said she spent her life wishing she still had her body from the decade prior but never appreciated it when she had it.

I'm in my 30s now and I've decided I'd rather be happy than look like a tween.

2. It doesn't have to last forever to be worth it

Whether it's the business I ended after 3 years, the friendships I've cut from my life or the boys I swore I'd marry... it was energy well spent.

Not in a "oh that showed me I deserve more" kind of way, but that I'm choosing to remember the great moments that shaped my life.

Every experience led to where I am today so, how can I have any regrets when I love my now?


3. People who say no, respect people who say no

Boundaries won't be handed to you. It's up to you to gauge your limit and play within it!

You can tell a lot about someone by how they respond to you setting yours. People who know how to do this, respect others who do too.

At minimum, you're an inspiration for someone who doesn't have boundaries... yet.

4. Mood swings don't have to be negative

A lot of the personal development and wellness space encourages a stoic lifestyle. There's merit in choosing your response, especially in a challenging situation.

But am I willing to lose my natural ability to GET SO FREAKING EXCITED about something good in an effort to control my reactions?

No. As long as I'm betting more good feels than bad ones, my emotions make me, me.

5. When you're yourself, you give permission to others to be themselves

There is nothing more freeing than living authentically regardless of society's expectations or approval from others.

Being boldy you (even if it's different or alternative), isn't "hipster". It's a fucking revolution.

Every single time you're real and think for yourself, you empower others to live true too



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